Call for nominees: Parliament House
The PSA is seeking further contact with members throughout Parliament. Currently you would be aware that we have a number of very able delegates in place but the union is only strengthened by further member involvement. Ultimately we would like to have contacts in all areas within the building (as well as further contacts from Electorate Offices).
This will enable us to have a more comprehensive understanding of issues for our members and seek more effective resolutions of those issues.
We need people who will liaise with the existing delegates and the PSA and those within their team. This may involve passing on information from the PSA and providing feedback to the PSA. This way we will ensure we are truly representative of our members in the workplace. The PSA continues to recognise those doing the work have vital knowledge that helps us do our job better.
The PSA seeks nominations from areas throughout the department. Simply speak with one of your existing delegates or email the PSA on the email address below.
Joint Consultative Committee (JCC)
We also seek agenda items for the JCC. This is the quarterly meeting held between the PSA and management in Parliament. Items for discussion at the JCC are usually matters that have a wider impact (as opposed to matters for an individual, which would be dealt with outside these meetings). Usually it would be a matter that has not been dealt with satisfactorily already.
The next JCC is on Friday 15 November.
It is preferred if you provide issues for the JCC to you delegates. We meet about a week ahead of the JCC to clarify and determine what agenda items we send through to management.
Below is a summary of some of the points discussed at the last meeting to help guide you as well as keep you informed.
- With the transfer of EO (Electorate Office) Services from the Legislative Assembly (LA) to the Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) the PSA advised that we would like more communication and consultation prior to and as things are developing. We were advised that EO Services were not connected with efficiency dividends and that impacted staff had provided positive feedback in regard to the change. The PSA takes particular interest in changes, specifically watching for impact on jobs and conditions for our members. There is an obligation for the employer to consult with such change.
- Restructuring is a standard agenda item at every JCC, ensuring all restructures are appropriately under the eye of the committee. We further discussed changes that had been occurring within the Library Collections area. The PSA has participated in meetings with members and management.
- The PSA raised concerns regarding changes in the Procurement area. Whilst management argued that work practices had changed and workloads with it the PSA was of the view that the cut of staff from four to one in this area was excessive, particularly as there was now a need for other areas to assist when the remaining person was on leave. The PSA remains concerned about workloads in this matter and will continue to monitor the impacts on staff. We remind members that you should only work for the hours that you are paid. As Government further presses the Public Service through budgetary cuts those who make the decisions may soon find that employees are less and less inclined put in those extra yards. Don’t lose hours!
- Members’ staff raised concerns with the resolution of their issues and in particular the lack of improvement to the MoPS Determination. Management advised they were happy to engage is discussions with the PSA and welcomed being provided with a submission in this regard. Other parties impacting on outcomes in this matter are the Presiding Officers as well as, with changes involving the budget, NSW Treasury.
- There was discussion regarding communications between staff across Parliament as a whole and the importance for that to be respectful. The PSA fully supports this. We remain prepared to engage in full and frank discussions with management on matters affecting our members and expect the same back from management. The same is appropriate from manager to employee and employee to manager, and employee to employee. Where industrial issues do escalate and can benefit from our assistance we urge members to make contact with us.
The above is also to give you an idea of how the PSA works and the sorts of issues we deal with in a professional and effective way. Again we urge members to give consideration to stepping forward and nominating as a contact in your area. Parliament is made up of such a diverse group of people in such a variety of roles who all do amazing work. The PSA want that diversity to be a strength. Strength comes from a united and proactive membership.
We need that strength even more now.
Nick Player Industrial Officer
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