Customer Service restructure update
Your union continues to meet regularly with the Department to discuss matters in relation to realignments and restructures. At our recent meeting the following RMPs were discussed:
- Office of the Secretary – consultation has closed and feedback is being reviewed.
- People and Culture – consultation has closed and feedback is being reviewed.
- Governance, Risk and Performance – feedback has just closed. VR estimates are going out to those who have requested them.
- TMP – Service NSW Corporate Staff – is still under consideration by the Secretary,
- SIRA Realignment – Consultation closed on 23 October and feedback is being reviewed and considered
- BRD Realignment – High level update outlining where teams/functions will sit in the new structure was communicated to staff on 17 October, further details pending.
The new Secretary needs time to get her head around the restructures so implementation has been delayed.
We did, however, confirm Return to Work provisions for those coming back from parental leave and renegotiating flexible working conditions: while it was agreed that in the event of a position being disestablished, new provisions would have to be negotiated, it was acknowledged that this would be done on an individual, case by case basis and there were no expectations that there would be issues with flexibility. It was also acknowledged that positions are advertised as full time but that this did not stop those on part-time return to work arrangements from applying and then negotiating part-time arrangements.
We also discussed access to noticeboards at 4 Parramatta Square and that is being taken back to workplace services.
PSA requested an invitation be extended to the new Secretary to attend the next RJCC.
There is expected to be a Peak Consultative Committee meeting in early December which your local delegates will attend.