DCS Machinery of Government changes – update
On Thursday 27 June, the PSA met with the Department of Customer Service (DCS) representatives as part of our fortnightly consultative meetings. The following matters were discussed.
DCS operative from 1 July 2019
The new DCS cluster officially came into operation from 1 July 2019. All reporting lines are now in place but it was stated that it would take up to three months for internal systems such as SAP to be updated to accurately reflect those reporting lines.
Ongoing Change Management – Resource Management Plans (RMP)
The Department confirmed that it had finalised appointments to the Senior Executive Structure with most Directors now being in place.
It foreshadowed that as the new cluster comes into effect that the current regular MOG fortnightly meetings will morph into an RMP committee with plans for 25 RMPs to be managed over the next 12 months.
The Customer Delivery and Transformation Division is a new division within the cluster, although the Deputy Secretary does not believe that an RMP will be required as staffing can be provided with existing staff.
It was also confirmed a separate Revenue Transformation JCC will be created in response to the changes happening there. We have requested that management come back to us on a timeframe for the JCC.
It is disappointing that they have only got as far as drafting a letter to us to suggest that a JCC is created, given that we have already asked, through both the JCC and MOG meetings, for this to happen and had requested that they come back to us at this meeting with details. We will progress this matter prior to the next MOG meeting.
Staff transitioning from different Awards into DCS – ‘Shared Services’
It was acknowledged that there are difficulties for staff transferring into DCS from different Awards and Classifications that do not match with the Crown Employees Public Sector Salaries Award. Staff who are not assigned to a new role would remain on their existing Award.
The most affected areas in this transition are going to be ‘Shared Services’ staff across Service NSW, Department of Premier and Cabinet, and Treasury. It is understood that at this time, the Greyhound Welfare Integrity Commission will retain its own Corporate Services.
Work is currently being done on an options paper as to how to manage this. The GSE allows for people to be reassigned at level, but can only appoint a person to a lower level if they are agreeable to do so.
Some of the options that are being considered are:
- Salary maintenance
- 5 per cent rule re: appointment to role
- Managing Excess Employees Policy
Maximising redeployment of existing staff
The Department has committed to maximising the internal redeployment process. As part of these efforts they referred to the reduction in contingent labour hire which over the past month has gone from 10 per cent down to eight per cent.
An application has been made to Department of Premier and Cabinet for consideration of a cluster-wide EOI for VR opportunity.
The intention will be to exhaust internal redeployment opportunities prior to external recruitment practices.
Liquor and Gaming – location
It is expected that those staff in Liquor and Gaming who were initially advised that they would be moving to Parramatta prior to the introduction of the MOG will still be going as planned. At this time, it is unclear exactly where the other Liquor and Gaming staff will work, but it will most likely be in the Sydney CBD.
Next meeting
Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 11 July.
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