As steps towards moving Liquor, Gaming and Racing out of the Department of Customer Service: Better Regulation Division (DCS: BRD) into the newly created Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade start to gain momentum it is timely for a quick update even if there is not much information that your union can convey to you at this time.
The PSA met with the DCS Secretary through the Peak Joint Consultative Committee on 7 February 2022. Your union has had additional briefings through our fortnightly Restructure Joint Consultative Committee, which was formed to address the previous 2019 Machinery of Government (MOG) changes.
While it is expected that the majority of staff can still be transferred without much trouble, given that some staff through the previous MOG change have been integrated more fully into the BRD streams it has now made the task of extracting those roles back out somewhat more interesting.
At this time, we have been assured there will be no loss of staff. Management will get back to the PSA as what options will be available for Phase 2 and 3 identified staff, should they have any issues and what processes will be put in place for them to raise those issues, such as staff wanting to stay with DCS.
Finally, the PSA encourages any members in Liquor, Gaming and Racing who have any current medical exemptions, exceptional circumstances or who have received a directions letter to comply with DCS COVID-19 policy to also contact the PSA if they have not done so already.
As more information becomes available we will keep you updated. We will look to arrange to meet with members in the near future.