Pay case update
On 17 December 2013, Justice Boland in the Industrial Relations Commission ruled that the full 2.5% available under the Government’s wages policy be paid to members employed under the Public Sector Salaries and related awards.
The O’Farrell Government had wanted the 2.5% discounted by the increase in the superannuation guarantee levy which is why an interim rise of 2.27% was paid.
Justice Boland also found that pay increases of 2.5% per annum are not guaranteed under the Industrial Relations Act and the Industrial Relations (Public Sector Conditions of Employment) Regulation 2011.
On Friday, 20 December, the parties conferred to discuss the implementation of the full increase.
However, in the interim, the O’Farrell Government filed an appeal and sought a stay (that is, a suspension) of the orders of Justice Boland for the full 2.5% increase until the appeal has been dealt with.
The Government’s application for a stay will be heard by the Industrial Relations Commission on 30 January 2014.
Members will be provided with a further update following the hearing.