Prison Officers Vocational Branch update - Public Service Association

Prison Officers Vocational Branch update

The following is an update for all members of the Prison Officers Vocational Branch (POVB).

Body scanners

The POVB State Executive recommends that any POVB member who holds a IA42 radiation user licence, has completed the new online training and passed all modules, can operate the body scanner within your centre. We also remind POVB members that holding this license is voluntary, you cannot be forced to hold this license.

You can check the status of your licence HERE.

To surrender your licence, email and state the following:

I wish to surrender my licence # effective immediately. I understand that surrendering this licence means I am unable to reinstate the licence without a full new application.

Role deletion

Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) initially advised the ROCI and SOCI would be immediately deleted.

The POVB opposed this and has reached an agreement with CSNSW that this will not occur until the Roles and Responsibilities process for all POVB locations has been completed. This process, with each location and the POVB State Executive being involved, is expected to take a year to complete. Three correctional centres – Silverwater Women’s, Mid North Coast and South Coast – have been proposed as pilot sites for the roll out of the new statement of duties. The POVB State Executive will be involved in the creation of the statement of duties within each of these centres.

CSNSW agreed for the ROCI and SOCI to remain until the Roles and Responsibilities process has been completed.

Surry Hills

Staff have been advised the requested risk assessment will be completed by 16 September.

Inmate cell placement

The decision by CSNSW to change policy and procedure revolving around inmate cell placement has been placed on hold after concerns were raised. Further discussions with CSNSW will continue until and agreed outcome.

Inmate tablets

We are noticing an increase in workload when compared to their introduction. This extra work is new business.

Members from locations around the state are performing multiple tasks related to inmate tablets.

State-wide training has commenced regarding changing inmate requests from paper to electronic. Once again, some locations have been performing these and other tasks for some time.

Directions from the POVB State Executive have been previously broadcast. However, some locations have found it difficult to follow these directions.

Discussions and a firm decision will need to be made on what direction we wish to take regarding the inmate tablets.

POVB members should complete Inmate Requests on offender tablets (OTABs) and answer questions on grievances when referred by a Senior Assistant Superintendent to posts like Senior Correctional Officer (SCO) Reception Room, SCO Activities.

This will commence at your centre once you have been received local training on OTAB use for inmate requests.

If you are acting into the role of a Senior Assistant Superintendent/Functional Manager you should perform all the roles and functions within the OTAB application regarding grievances.

We have requested that in cell tablet charging be looked at for all centres.

Court Escort Security Unit training being held at Long Bay Complex

Further discussions are taking place regarding this training and location. At this stage there are locations with multiple concerns which needs to be addressed prior to them agreeing to attend.

Increased notifications: Safety suites

CSNSW has been advised of members’ concerns that in some cases, safety suite notifications disappear or are being closed without being addressed.

Although no clear direction or input was given by CSNSW, the POVB will attempt to monitor the “premature” closing of safety suite notifications by local management.  Local Delegates are to monitor and advise of abnormalities or discrepancies.

Staffing profiles: Additional leave entitlements

Since Benchmarking, the State Government has continually increased leave entitlements. Examples include Parental Leave and Family and Domestic Violence Leave. However, no steps have been taken for the staffing profiles to adjust to these increases. We are continually reminded by CSNSW of budget, costing and reigning in the overtime. The POVB has stated to CSNSW that this is an unrecognised costing which has not been budgeted for, placing further pressures on each locations staffing profiles.

CSNSW advised it would monitor this concern.

After-Action Reviews timeline

The POVB advised CSNSW that Incident Debriefs and After-Action Reviews are not occurring in locations.

CSNSW advised it will ensure these take place in the future.

Recent changes in cell placement

The POVB raised concerns regarding the impact of these changes and have requested that the new Cell Placement Policy and Procedures be put on hold until further consultation and agreement takes place.

CSNSW agreed to put on hold pending further consultation.

Physical bag searches

The POVB advised CSNSW that POVB will continue to stand by the previous POVB direction. This direction reads: No POVB member will perform any type of physical search on a fellow POVB members. The only time that this may occur is if that POVB member is acting in the role of an Executive Officer. Members can observe/witness an Executive Officer performing this task.

The POVB advised CSNSW that we will continue with the stance that POVB does not search POVB property. No POVB member will perform any type of physical or personal belongings search on a fellow POVB member.

It is the function of an Executive staff member to perform the Daily Security Review of personal belongings searches.

If a POVB member is acting in the role of an Executive Officer, they must perform all duties of that role.

After hours it is the responsibility of the Officer in Charge if required.

Members may also act as observer or witness to an Executive Officer performing this task.

POVB members are still required to perform all other functions regarding x-raying and processing staff into the centre.

911 tools

Members are to follow the Policy and Procedures regarding 911 tools and their use to cut clothes off inmates if required.

If any member is directed to go against the Policy and Procedures regarding 911 tools, then the member/members have every right to request that the direction against Policy and Procedure be placed in writing.

Medical-prescribed cannabis

POVB have requested CSNSW policy regarding medical-prescribed cannabis and what duties can be performed whilst taking the prescribed medicine.

CSNSW advised it will seek advice and get back with information.


The POVB raised concerns regarding BGIS and the how this company has a stranglehold on maintenance around the state. We believe this company is draining millions of dollars from our budget and the public purse, charging exorbitant costings for basic maintenance. Who in CSNSW approved this company and why was this company allowed to monopolise our maintenance system when we have inmates with qualifications that can work with Overseers to keep our gaols running? This same company has supplied offices in our locations. Our maintenance program now revolves around BGIS where we must go through them to get basic maintenance completed.

We have a workforce of 13,000 inmates, some of whom have the required skills to complete supervised maintenance tasks for next to nothing. Removing BGIS would increase our own workforce in the Overseers ranks. The millions of dollars in savings could go towards much needed frontline positions. Inmates would receive increased training from our Overseers giving better opportunities upon their release.

The POVB is demanding a full enquiry into BGIS and how that company operates within CSNSW. We are also demanding an audit into the amount of money CSNSW is spending on BGIS. The POVB is also demanding an audit surrounding the pricing of individual jobs and how BGIS calculates these jobs.

Who gave BGIS a contract that continues for at least the next five years, and why?

A full enquiry should and must take place on how BGIS has evolved within CSNSW in the interest of the CSNSW budget and the NSW Taxpayer.

John Morony Correctional Centre

  • No change room facilities and showers
  • No relief component built into the duties
  • Concerns regarding items not being placed on Issues Register
  • FM refusing to sign off on inmate releases
  • JMCC dedicated casual pool
  • Increase from 7 per cent to the standard 10 per cent leave

All the above was discussed with CSNSW, which has agreed to address these concerns.

John Morony contract extension

CSNSW have been advised the following:

POVB and PSA wish to formally advise CSNSW that we are in dispute regarding the process undertaken to renew the John Morony Correctional Centre contract.

At the time of contract, the PSA General Secretary and the PSA President were required to sign the contract.

No PSA, POVB or COVB officials have been involved in the renewal process.

We therefore advise CSNSW that there is a high probability that industrial action will take place.

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