PSA CPSU NSW training - Dubbo - Public Service Association

PSA CPSU NSW training – Dubbo

PSA CPSU NSW training – Dubbo – December 2018 (PDF version)

The PSA CPSU NSW will be running a Role of the Delegate training course to be held in Dubbo on Tuesday 26 February 2019. The course will start at 9:30 am and finish at 4:30pm.

The course venue will be advised later.


Role of the Delegate This course discusses the role of the delegate and active members: what delegates do, delegate protections, organising skills, recruitment, working with issues, union values and involvement. Any member can learn from this course and is welcome to apply.

PSA CPSU NSW training courses are available at no charge to PSA CPSU NSW members

PSA CPSU NSW members are entitled to paid Trade Union Training Leave to attend these courses.

ALL members are invited and welcome, you do not have to be a delegate to obtain trade union training leave and to attend PSA CPSU NSW training.

The PSA CPSU NSW provides reasonable travel and accommodation costs to attend our training courses.

Special needs

If you have a disability and/or special needs, please contact PSA training staff at the time of your registration.


To register please do so online at the following link

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