Reminder to complete the PSA Evolving Transport Consultation survey - Public Service Association

Reminder to complete the PSA Evolving Transport Consultation survey

Survey Reminder - March 2020 (PDF version)

The PSA recently sent out a survey to all its members in TfNSW and RMS about consultation around evolving transport. If you haven’t completed this survey, you can use the following link to do so:

This survey should only take a couple of minutes and the will prove invaluable in advocating for the interests of our members during these evolving transport reforms. All input will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

We also ask that members forward this survey link on to other employees so that we can gather as broad a range of answers as possible.

If you have any further questions about the evolving transport consultation process, please feel free to send them through to your organiser Ben James at .

It’s time to get involved!

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