Training, increments and a win! - Public Service Association

Training, increments and a win!

Role of the Delegate Training

PSA is running a Community Services-focused Role of the Delegate training session Wednesday 11 December 2024. The training will take place at PSA House.

The one-day course is designed to give workplace delegates the skills and knowledge they need to build power in their workplace. You will explore the importance of unions, history and the values that underpin them. You will develop your skills utilising tools such as mapping, recruitment conversations and problem-solving frameworks to build power.

As this is Community Services-specific training, we’ll also discuss upcoming Award negotiations and related Child Protection in Crisis Campaign and how these can be used to build membership and power in the in the workplace.

The training is available to Delegates and PSA members considering taking on the Delegate role. For more information, please contact PSA Organiser Amy Lennox via

PSA win! Change to new Caseworker starting salary

The employment portal, has updated the starting salaries of new Caseworkers to reflect the PSA win. All new Caseworkers will be uplifted from Grade 3 to Grade 4, and those already working will also receive the increase.

Please check in with new Caseworkers to talk to them about the benefits of joining the PSA, and that they are receiving the correct rate.


In visiting Community Service Centres, a number of members have raised delayed payments of increments. A Public Services employee must be promptly notified in writing of any decision to defer payment of an increment and the notice must include the reason for the decision.

If your increment is due but has not been paid, please first raise the issue in writing with your manager and alert the PSA either through your local Delegate or Member Support Centre. The PSA has had quick results when raising the delay of the payment of increments in the past, please let us know if this impacts you.


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