We want your input on lost hours and workplace flexibility
We want your input on lost hours and workplace flexibility – December 2018 (PDF version)
The PSA has begun the process of negotiating the next Transport for NSW Salaries & Conditions Award that will expire on 30 June 2019.
The PSA has previously sought input from the membership on the issues that are important to them. Overwhelmingly, the recognition of lost hours and workplace flexibility was of most importance. In a time where budgets are constantly under pressure, and staff are doing more with less, the PSA has sought for better flexibility to address the workload peaks and flows. As part of the next round of negotiations the PSA is aiming to make flexible working arrangements a priority
As part of this process, the PSA has created a short survey to help us collect empirical evidence on this issue (lost hours and banking of days). The survey can be found HERE. This survey should only take a couple of minutes and members are strongly advised to take part. The more evidence the PSA is able to collect, the better!
Additionally, members are encouraged to send this link to other staff members.
By not recognising these lost hours, staff are effectively undervaluing their roles and contributions to TfNSW and hiding the real costs of this significant infrastructure build.