Workers compensation rally
Friday 4 November
12.30pm – 1.30pm
Martin Place, Sydney – near Macquarie Street
While some elements of the savage workers compensation reforms by the NSW Government in 2012 have been wound back thanks, in part, to the PSA, plenty of harsh obstacles remain for injured workers and their families.
Provisions for staff in Corrective Services, who have to contend with the most dangerous workplaces in the country, remain totally inadequate as are the measures to protect members in Juvenile Justice and others involved in emergency situations such as firefighting.
The PSA made a submission to the review of the laws by the Law & Justice Committee of the NSW Legislative Council.
That paper formed part of a larger submission by Unions NSW.
On Friday 4 November at 12.30pm please join me at the Unions NSW rally at Martin Place, Sydney, near Macquarie Street and help highlight the importance of a fair and equitable workers compensation system.
Stewart Little
General Secretary