Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is in the process of undertaking a review of the current state of working from home arrangements as a result of the NSW Government circular on “Workplace Presence”. You can view that circular here. While the Circular does not prescribe particular patterns of attendance, it does state that it is expected that each agency will adopt a policy that provides for all staff to work principally at an approved workplace. Note “an approved workplace” is yet to be defined.
PSA Survey on Working from Home
While the review and appropriate consultation is being undertaken, the current hybrid arrangements should continue.
The PSA is seeking the views from members to help guide TfNSW on the thoughts of its workforce when it comes to workplace flexibility. As such we have developed a short survey for you to fill out. You can take the survey HERE.
Workplace Flexibility
While workplace flexibility is much broader than just the ability to work from home, in somewhat contradictory information, the Premiers Department own policies and guidelines regarding workplace flexibility states that all roles across the NSW government sector can be flexible on an ‘if not, why not’ basis. The PSA will continue to fight for our members to have access to flexible working arrangements in all its forms, after all, the question for Transport and the NSW Government remains – If not, why not?