Bulletin – Courts – Leave entitlements during COVID-19 Pandemic
It has come to the attention of the PSA that members are uncertain as to what kind of leave entitlements are available during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The NSW Government Circular C2020-01 sets out the relevant leave arrangements. The circular can be found here
As stated in the circular, in the event of a total shutdown:
Where the workplace is closed, flexible work arrangements should be considered either at home or from another office location. Where work is unable to be provided to these employees, they are to be paid as normal and are placed on paid special leave.
Further the circular advises:
Up to 20 days paid special leave will be provided, before other leave entitlements need to be accessed, to employees who are unable to work because they are:
- caring for sick family members;
- caring for family members due to closure of schools and caring facilities; or
- unable to attend work due to transport disruptions.
After the 20 days of special leave has been used, employees may access accrued leave entitlements (sick, annual, family and community services, extended/long service leave).
If any member has received contrary advice or instructions, please contact your workplace delegate or the PSA directly on 1300 772 679.
Your PSA staff:
Industrial Officer – Monika Wunderlin
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