GWIC Code of Ethics and Conduct – Consultation
The PSA has been contacted by GWIC about proposed changes to the Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy.
GWIC staff have been given through to 22 November 2019 to respond to GWIC with any feedback in relation to the proposed changes.
If members want to raise any issues with the proposed changes to the policy through the PSA you are invited to address these to the Industrial Officer, Simon van Vegchel by email .
If members can provide feedback by Friday 8 November we will make further submissions to GWIC in line with the internal staff consultation process.
The PSA will keep members informed as the consultation progresses.
Machinery of Government – Change in PSA Industrial Officer for GWIC
As part of the MoG changes, GWIC has been notionally placed within the Department of Customer Service Cluster.
As a result of that change, there has been an internal realignment by the PSA that has resulted in the change of the Industrial Officer for GWIC, with Simon van Vegchel replacing Nick Player who continues to look after DoPIE with Graydon Plumridge remaining as your GWIC Organiser.
Your PSA Industrial Staff are:
Industrial Officer – Simon van Vegchel
Membership Support Centre
Phone 1300 772 679
Join the PSA online: