Landcom bulletin – March 2018 (PDF version)
Members would be aware management has proposed a Landcom Organisation Design proposal to restructure the organisation. The details of this proposal were provided to both employees and the PSA on 13 March 2018.
As a result of that information being received, a lunchtime meeting of PSA members was held on Monday 19 March. At that meeting, issues of concern were raised and discussed with agreement that a letter would be sent requesting in principle that the consultation period be extended to 3 April and that until a proper process has been negotiated and agreed to that no affected employees leave the organisation.
This letter can be found HERE. The PSA has requested a meeting be scheduled for Thursday 22 March at 10.30am to commence a proper process is negotiated and implemented.
The PSA has written to the Interim CEO of Landcom requesting a formal Joint Consultative Committee be established. This letter was sent on 27 February 2018, yet to date there has been no response to that request. This matter will also be the subject of discussion at the meeting proposed for 22 March 2018.
Members will be kept informed of the progress of this matter.
Please contact Kerrie Butson PSA Senior Industrial Officer at or 0419 698 930.