More questions than answers as privatisation transfer looms for FACS clinical Services
The Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) has written to all clinical services staff asking them to resubmit applications for secondary employment and complete new paperwork associated with conflict-of-interest assessments ahead of a mooted 1 August 2017 transfer to the Benevolent Society.
The advice to staff revises the agency’s earlier communiques encouraging staff to explore alternative employment opportunities (including private practice), and has been met with derision by many clinical services staff.
The PSA has sought an urgent pre-Easter meeting with senior representatives of FACS in an effort to address the agency’s apparent about-face on secondary employment, with many members telling us that any 11th hour revision of arrangements could jeopardise client care, as staff are forced to choose between their clients and their employment with FACS. Should a meeting not be arranged or unsatisfactory answers received, the PSA will be pursuing the rights of its members in the Industrial Relations Commission.
Concerned clinical services members are encouraged to contact the PSA for assistance in relation to secondary employment arrangements or the new conflict of interest assessments.