New Minister for Family and Community Services
New Minister for Family and Community Services – 17 April 2015 (PDF version)
On 27 March 2015, the previous Minister for Family and Community Services Gabrielle Upton responded to the PSA’s letter of 26 February 2015 which highlighted members’ concerns with resourcing and service levels.
You can read the Minister’s letter HERE.
Following receipt of the letter, a new Minister for Family and Community Services was announced, Brad Hazzard. The Minister has contacted the PSA to set up a meeting with your delegates and PSA Assistant General Secretary, Steve Turner.
Your Community Services Departmental Committee Delegates will be meeting on Friday 24 April to discuss both the response from the previous Minister and the upcoming meeting with Brad Hazzard.
Walk outs in Community Services a great success
The successful walk outs on both 19 and 26 March 2015 achieved good media coverage around the issues facing Community Services workers across NSW. The growing number of at-risk children still not being seen by a child protection case worker led members to walk off the job to highlight their concerns.
You can read the PSA Fact Sheet, which includes what we’re asking for in order to protect children at risk HERE.
Members will be kept informed of discussions with Minister Hazzard.
What can you do?
- Print the letter from the Minister and the Fact Sheet and place them on your noticeboards.
- Discuss these issues with your delegates in your workplace.
- Talk to your colleagues about joining the PSA.
It is important that as many people as possible take an active part in your union to address these concerns. If you would like a meeting to discuss these issues in your workplace, contact your local delegate or your organising team:
Jason Saunders Marianne Ledic
Nigel Miles Cora Sarmiento
Vivette Horrex Ron Hunter
Metro Team Leader – Siobhan Callinan
Regional Team Leader – Lisa Nelson
1300 772 679