On-call trial in State Intelligence Command
The PSA has recently been made aware of a trial of changed on-call arrangements in State Intelligence Command.
Specifically, for the duration of the three-month trial, members are invited to voluntarily request to work Saturday and/or Sunday within bandwidth hours. Clause 23.10 – Weekend Work of your Award has been referenced in regards to this trial. The intended purpose is as follows (emphasis added):
The purpose of this clause is to facilitate at the staff member’s request only, and then only with the approval of the supervisor, the working of ordinary hours on a weekend as a substitute for a weekday or days. Any such arrangement is subject to the provisions of this clause and is not to be used to circumvent the provisions of subclause 23.14 of this clause. All work directed on weekends is to be paid in accordance with the provisions of subclause 23.14.
The reference to Clause 23.14 (Work Outside the Standard or Agreed Bandwidth (Overtime) sets out your entitlement to be paid overtime for work directed outside of standard bandwidth (emphasis added):
The overtime provisions of this award will apply to work directed to be performed outside the standard or agreed bandwidth.
By making this trial optional, NSW Police is asking you to volunteer to give up your overtime entitlements. The PSA strongly discourages members from volunteering to give up hard-fought Award entitlements in such a manner and reiterates that there is no requirement to work outside of bandwidth unless you are directed to do so and being paid overtime.
Without volunteers, NSW Police will be left with no choice but to pay Award entitlements to overtime if they require your work on weekends.
Any member being pressured in any manner to undertake this work should immediately contact the PSA as it will constitute a clear breach of the Award:
Roland Harris A/Industrial Officer
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