PSA Day of Action 8 June: members in Community Services directed to STRIKE for 24 hours!
All members across the PSA will be taking industrial action on 8 June 2022.
Last week, the PSA held its Annual Conference, in which delegates and members overwhelmingly supported the PSA’s campaign for a fair wage increase. As a result, a motion was passed endorsing a state-wide, 24-hour stop work on Wednesday 8 June 2022, for all members working across the NSW Public Sector.
For members in the metropolitan, Central Coast and Wollongong areas, there will be a rally supporting the strike on the day. We will meet from 10:00am at Hyde Park North, march to Parliament House at 10:30am and rally from 11:ooam.
There will also be regional rally locations across the state.
Watch the video of the announcement HERE.
Register your attendance HERE.
Check the Sydney rally meeting place HERE.
Check the regional action locations HERE.
The motion passed by delegates states that in the event that the PSA does not receive a wage offer that addresses inflation and the cost of living by close of business Monday 6 June 2022, this meeting endorses a campaign of industrial action to commence on 8 June 2022.
This action has been brought on by members’ extreme frustration at a Perrottet Government that has continued to refuse to rescind its unfair and unjust workplace laws that cap wage rises at 2.5 per cent when inflation is running at 5.1 per cent.
All members must join the STRIKE and fight for their rights – workload, staffing and a fair pay rise
There is a work overload and high staff turnover crisis in Community Services.
There are unacceptably high rates of staff turnover, particularly among Caseworkers in the first two years, in Child Protection. Meanwhile the staff who turn up every day are battling a work overload crisis that continues to put staff under great pressure.
Members are overworked and understaffed, too many children at risk of significant harm are not being seen. Throughout the fires, floods, COVID-19 pandemic and then more disastrous floods, staff have provided critical disaster welfare to those most in need while still managing to provide expert support to the most vulnerable children in the community.
Now is the time to stand strong with your union and fight for a fair pay rise for yourselves and the colleagues you work with every day.
Remember, only PSA members can take action. If your colleagues have not yet joined, make sure they do as soon as possible!
You are not breaking the law when taking industrial action. You are following lawful directions from your union.
You cannot be punished for participating in industrial action. You are protected by Clause 64 of the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Award 2009 which states that “There will be no victimisation of staff members prior to, during or following … industrial action”.
If issues are raised with you about your compliance with the direction to strike, provide the person raising the issues with you with a copy of this bulletin and politely explain that you have been directed by your union to stop work for 24 hours.
If you receive any type of threat for taking strike action you should contact the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679 immediately.