State Training Services PSA Members Update - Public Service Association

State Training Services PSA Members Update

State Training Services PSA Member Update 22 May 2015 (PDF version)

PSA Staff and a member representative met with the STS General Manager and the Director, Industrial Relations of the new Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services on 19 May 2015. The PSA can report back to members the following:

1. Current Realignment

The current arrangements in place for the STS realignment will continue. The only impact at this time is an extention of the current timetable. The PSA learned Job Skills Training is to be provided for those staff currently in Step 3 (a) – Self Matching for Ongoing Employees on Friday 22 May 2015.

At the conclusion for Step 3 (a) the opportunity for early Voluntary Redundancy offers can be made if eligible staff choose to exercise that option.

2. Loss of the Australian Apprenticeship Support Services Contract (AAC)

The Department’s People and Services Directorate will be reviewing the employment history of all temporary employees affected by this. They will ensure all entitlements that may include a severance payment are paid.

In addition, the Department confirmed it was in discussions with the new providers about employment opportunities for affected staff and additional support from the Commonwealth Government.

Members affected by this are encouraged to refer to the FAQ for AAC staff. Additional support services such as resumé writing and interview skills workshops have been provided at Kogarah and Regional Offices.

3. Move from the Department of Education (DoE) to the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development (Trade and Investment)

The Director, Industrial Relations was able to report at this stage there were no foreseeable plans to look at any major office relocations.

The Administration Orders are still to be finalised. Once plans are in place, they are looking to transfer all staff from the DoE payroll to the Trade and Investment payroll for the first full pay period from 1 July 2015. This will include the 2.5% pay increase.

An extensive induction process will be put into place to assist staff with the new systems.

The main issue is the change from the current TAFE/DET Flexible Working Hours Agreement to the NSW Trade and Investment agreement.

Further meetings between the PSA and the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development will be arranged to address this matter. The first of these is to be hopefully scheduled for the week commencing 25 May 2015.

4. Next Steps

The PSA Education and Communities Organising Team will be arranging meetings in Sydney Metropolitan Centres to meet with members as STS goes through this major period of change over the next few weeks.

The PSA will communicate when the next meeting with senior management has been arranged and report back to members following that meeting.

If there are any concerns that have not been addressed in this communication, please contact the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.

5. What can you do?

  • Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues
  • Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board
  • Ask a colleague to join the PSA
  • Get involved as your Area Contact
  • Attend a meeting at your worksite

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If you have moved, have a new work email, work phone, or work location, please update your membership details HERE

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