The Benevolent Society training, workload and employment guarantee issues update
The PSA CPSU NSW has recently written to The Benevolent Society (TBS) regarding significant issues members have raised with us in relation to various operation protocols of TBS including:
- lack of training and support for transferred Clinical Services staff
- current billable hours
- increasing workload demands/work allocation through Outlook Calendar colour-coding
- potential breaches of the guaranteed transfer of employee conditions (including the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NSW Enabling) Act 2013)
- the lack of consultation by TBS with CPSU NSW and our members in relation to changes to work practices and generally in relation to matters of mutual interest and concern
- TBS prohibitions on the use of CPSU NSW noticeboards in the workplace.
The PSA CPSU NSW has previously written to TBS requesting a meeting to discuss consultative arrangements and ramifications that the transfer of FACS (ADHC) clinical services has had for those employees which our union represents. TBS has declined to meet with the PSA CPSU NSW.
Your union has once again advised TBS of our availability anytime to meet in order to discuss working arrangements.
The CPSU NSW/PSA Fair Work Commission application for coverage as an employee organisation under copied state instruments (pursuant to section 768BB of the Fair Work Act 2009) (‘the FWC proceedings’).
As previously advised, this matter has been listed for hearing on Friday 15 December 2017 via video link.
We filed and served our evidence and TBS and the Health Services Union have now both served their evidence in relation to the FWC proceedings. In short, both maintain their opposition to union coverage by the CPSU NSW.
We are preparing further evidence in reply which will be filed and served by Friday 10 November 2017.
We will continue to be your union and to fight for your rights and entitlements. Now more than ever it is important to make sure all staff in your branch are members of the CPSU NSW/PSA.
Your CST Advisory Group delegates are:
Bronwyn Couch
Susan Lappan
Cheryl Jones
Itaru Yamamoto
Helen Goltzoff
Kim Ainsworth
Kathy Nash
Jessie Hartley
Kylie Fulton
Craig Maynard
Tomas Buratovich
Wynette Sheather
If you’re interested in becoming a delegate let your organiser know or email us at .
Your PSA/CPSU staff are:
Dean Allen – Industrial officer
Siobhan Callinan – Senior organiser
Encourage your colleagues to join the PSA online at, or see your delegates for membership forms.