The deadline looms: Your pay rise update
Negotiations on your pay rise are at a critical stage, with a decision on “interim” relief being scheduled in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) for 27 November 2024. As outlined in previous bulletins, there is a real risk that Transport for NSW (TfNSW) workers will miss out on a 4 per cent pay rise this year unless the current offer is accepted before 27 November 2024.
IRC direction to provide a proposal to TfNSW
In conciliation of the matter in the IRC on Wednesday 6 November, directions were made for the Combined Transport Unions (CTU) to provide a written response to the Transport Secretary, that further meetings were to take place between Unions and TfNSW, and that there would be a further report back on Tuesday 19 November 2024.
CTU “in principle” agreement on wages
While PSA members voted overwhelmingly in favour of the pay rise back in mid-October, and thousands of TfNSW workers have signed the PSA’s digital petition demanding acceptance, prior to this week the CTU had not accepted the wages offer.
Earlier this week however, the CTU sent a written response to TfNSW indicating they proposed to agree to the current wages offer, on the basis that a number of outstanding claims could continue to be discussed. Further meetings were held with TfNSW on Monday 11 November 2024.
Agreement is closer, but not yet achieved
The written response represents progress on the matter, and the PSA is hopeful that we can continue this progress towards full agreement before the 27 November 2024.
Delegate vacancies
There are currently a number of vacancies on the PSA TfNSW and Sydney Metro Statutory Authority Departmental Committee. Delegates are the day-to-day face of the PSA in the workplace, connecting members to the union and are responsible for recruiting new members as well as building power in the workplace. Members look to Delegates as leaders in relation to workplace issues that may arise and to ensure member’s voices are represented in discussions with TfNSW and other transport unions.
If you are interested in being a delegate, you can nominate via Survey Monkey HERE.