Transport for NSW update
Transport for NSW update – April 2016 (PDF version)
- Reform update
TfNSW has written to Unions NSW with the final proposals for:
- Operation Systems;
- Program Delivery; and
- Program and Divisional Management Office
The PSA understands that members will by now have received their letters of intent with an extended period of five days in which to request a review.
If you are seeking or have previously sought a review in other reform areas we are very interested in knowing about your experience.
It would be appreciated if members could share this information with the PSA and can send it through to (please note all information is treated as confidential).
Consultation with TfNSW management over this process continues. The PSA has raised a number of concerns and we are in discussions.
- TfNSW award update
Following a meeting of the TfNSW Union Caucus on 11 April 2015, Unions NSW has written to TfNSW indicating our intention to commence bargaining. The PSA will be represented by delegates from our newly elected Departmental Committee and further information will be provided to members as it becomes available.
- TfNSW Departmental Committee
– election and vacancies
Congratulations to the following delegates elected to the newly formed PSA TfNSW Departmental Committee (DC):
- Philip Mortimer
- Graham Baker
- Greg Grabl
- Bret Leech
The PSA TfNSW DC will play an important role in the upcoming award negotiations and the ongoing reform process through TfNSW along with setting the overall agenda for your union’s continued involvement in TfNSW matters.
We still have four vacancies to fill – if you are interested in becoming a DC delegate or even just becoming more involved in your local workplace group send your details through to and a PSA Organiser will contact you.