Update – Dispute about your flexible working hours – 15 April 2015
Update – Dispute about your Flexible Working Hours (PDF version)
The PSA has successfully secured the agreement of Corrective Services NSW to meet with management at Lithgow, Cessnock and Mid North Coast to discuss the proposal to restrict working hours for Offender Services and Programs Staff at those Centres. These meetings will occur over the next two weeks.
On 14 April 2015, the PSA argued before the Industrial Relations Commission that the flexible hours directions should be suspended while these negotiations are taking place. Following the strong recommendation of the Commission, Corrective Services NSW has agreed to this.
The PSA welcomes the opportunity to meet with management to explore any operational issues at these Centres and to arrive at solutions that are workable for both management and our members.
Any questions?
We will provide you with further updates as this very important matter progresses. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact your local delegate or work group.