Let Tony Abbott know you won't be silenced on workers' rights - Public Service Association

Let Tony Abbott know you won’t be silenced on workers’ rights

Tony Abbott’s unfair changes to workplace laws are likely to come before the Federal Senate on Monday. So far close to 20,000 people right across Australia have emailed or called Cross-Bench Senators asking them to vote NO.

With one week to go the Senators are turning their minds to how they will vote. This makes every letter, email and phone call even more crucial.

President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, Ged Kearney, has recorded a great one minute rundown of exactly why the laws are terrible and how we can stop them. The wider we can spread this message–and the more people that take action–the more chance that we have of securing crucial votes like Senator Lambie and the other Palmer Senators.

Click here, watch the video and call a cross-bench Senator.

This fight isn’t just about federal law however — it is crucial, with the NSW state election less than six months away, that we send a message to the Baird government that we are ready to stand together and defend our rights at work.

Things are likely to move quickly over the next few days. The ACTU is running targeted radio ads in some crucial regional centres and groups of union delegates have been meeting with Senators and asking them to vote NO.

Here in NSW we need to support those efforts with phone calls and emails asking the cross-bench to stand with workers — and not with Eric Abetz and Tony Abbott.

Click here to check out the video, contact a Senator and spread the word:


Let’s keep standing up for what’s right.

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