Sheriff's Officers' Vocational Branch Advisory Group (SOVBAG) - Public Service Association

Sheriff’s Officers’ Vocational Branch Advisory Group (SOVBAG)

Sheriff’s Officers bulletin re SOVBAG – 16 Nov 2015 (PDF version)

Following the recent Sheriff’s Officers’ recruitment program, it is timely to provide some basic information to members, both new and existing, of the resources available through your PSA membership.

Members are represented by seven elected SOVBAG delegates, who meet quarterly at PSA House. It is important to note that delegates are elected through a democratic process and are your voice within the Department.

Currently, there are two delegate vacancies on SOVBAG. Next week, the PSA will send out a request for Expressions of Interest from eligible members to fill these vacancies on a temporary basis until July 2016. In July, all positions will be declared vacant, nominations called for, and an election held.
It is preferable that nominees for the vacancies on SOVBAG have completed, or are enrolled in, the Role of the Delegate Course provided by the PSA. A full list of the training available for all members is on the PSA’s website. Nominations for training can be submitted online.

Under your Award, you are entitled to paid Trade Union Training Leave and members can access 12 union training days within a two-year period.

The general courses are available at no charge to PSA members.

Member Support Centre

It is always desirable to resolve workplace and individual issues at the local level. In many instances delegates can provide advice and support in workplace matters.

However, if a member has followed all the Departmental guidelines for resolving workplace issues without success, you should register the issue with the Member Support Centre (MSC) on 1300 772 679. Advocates will provide advice and assistance, as required. Registering your issue with the MSC is the first step in the process of attempting to satisfactorily and fairly resolve your issue.

What can you do?

  • Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues
  • Print out this bulletin and put it up on your notice board
  • Ask a colleague to join the PSA
  • Get involved as your Area Contact
  • Set up work place members’ committees with regular scheduled meetings.

Update your details

If you have moved, have a new work email, work phone, or work location, please update your membership details here

Delegates on the Sheriff’s Officers’ Vocational Branch Advisory Group:

Ronald Bak (Chair)
Lynette Bak (Secretary)
Michael Carpenter
Jason Kildey
Laurence Haggerty

Member Benefits

Our valued member benefits support program.

Union Membership - Unity Strength Respect

As a union member, you are part of Australia’s biggest social movement. Your union’s strength lies in its size; the more voices we have, the greater our power to bargain for better pay, conditions and benefits. Join your union today.

  • Collective strength; being a union member gives you a stronger voice when dealing with your employer
  • Standing up for your job: the PSA campaigns for a better-funded, strong public service
  • Journey insurance; get protection to and from work
  • Member benefits: get great discounts on a wide range of products and services
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