Land & Property Information Scoping Study Update
Land & Property Information Scoping Study Update – February 2016 (PDF version)
Concerns over the scoping study
As you would be aware, LPI held a number of staff briefings to discuss the scoping study, which was due for completion at the end of February.
Whilst the PSA is pleased Valuation Services and Information Sourcing will no longer be considered part of the scoping study, there is still widespread concern about the proposed privatisation of Titling and Registry Services.
The PSA also has concerns about the planned review of these units and how Titling and Registering Services, Valuation Services and Information Sourcing will operate as separate units from July 2016.
The PSA believes LPI should remain wholly in the hands of public servants who are impartial and not profiteering from the taxpayers of NSW.
Queen Square action
To discuss the latest developments, a workplace meeting has been scheduled at Queens Square for Friday 19 February, from 12:15pm-1:15pm in the Rolleston Room.
At the meeting on Friday, members will be able to ask questions regarding the latest staff update, as well as discuss our planned collective action at Queens Square on Wednesday 24 February from 12:30-1:30, in order to show your opposition to any outsourcing model for LPI.
On 24 February, members are asked to meet out the front of Queens Square, before marching and gathering outside Parliament House to make our voices heard.
Together we can make a difference
For members at other worksites, including Bathurst and Parramatta, we will be organising workplace meetings in the coming weeks to ensure your issues are taken up.
Together we can demonstrate to NSW citizens the importance of maintaining all functions of LPI within the Public Service.