Update on Privatisation Regulation - Public Service Association

Update on Privatisation Regulation

Dear delegates,

Staff in the PSA Organising Directorate have been telephoning a cross section of our members to speak about the Government Sector Employment Amendment (Transfers to Non-Government Sector) Regulation 2016.

This Regulation was introduced by the Baird Government to deny redundancy and severance payments to employees who are affected by privatisation and offered so-called “comparable employment” in the private sector.

The clear objective of the Regulation is to make privatisation cheaper for the Government.

The list of those being called was generated by the PSA’s Strategy and Policy Directorate.

It comprises of approximately 6,800 members randomly selected from a representative cross section of worksites from our database.

So far we have made 3,500 telephone calls and held over 1000 one-on-one conversations with members.

We will continue calling until we have attempted contact with everyone on the list.

The purpose of our telephone calls are to:

  1. Educate members on the Regulation and its effect
  2. Ascertain whether members had read our e-bulletins on the Regulation
  3. Brief members on our political strategy to have the Regulation disallowed in the Parliament
  4. Invite members to participate in lobbying politicians to support a motion of disallowance
  5. Understand whether members are prepared to take action over the Regulation if lobbying and legal avenues do not achieve the desired outcome.

For some time now the PSA has been working to secure a meeting with the Reverend Fred Nile.

The purpose of the meeting is to ask Reverend Nile to support a disallowance motion to stop the Regulation.

This important disallowance motion is being put to the Parliament by the Labor Party’s Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations, Adam Searle.

During our calls, nearly 60 members have told Organisers that they would meet with Reverend Nile to seek his support on the issue.

As a result, the PSA wrote to Reverend Nile indicating we had members who wanted to meet with him about the Regulation.

We are pleased to report that, because of our members’ response, the Reverend Fred Nile agreed to a meeting with PSA General Secretary Anne Gardiner, CPSU NSW Branch President Mary Court, Glen Barlow from Corrective Services and Jane Howrylak from Trustee and Guardian.

This meeting occurred on Tuesday 9 August.

The PSA is hopeful of a positive outcome.

If you have any questions regarding this email or the telephone calls, please email

Further information will be provided.

In Unity,

Maria Cirillo

Director of Organising

Public Service Association of NSW

160 Clarence Street Sydney

New South Wales 2000

1300 772 679

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