ADHC workers fight against privatisation - Public Service Association

ADHC workers fight against privatisation

ADHC workers fight against privatisation – December 2016 (PDF version)

Penrith disability workers bail up the Premier in the fight against privatisation

Last week Premier Mike Baird was confronted by angry and passionate ADHC members at a rally in front of Penrith Panthers leagues club, where he was attending a business conference.

Members took the opportunity to raise issues directly with the Premier as he walked through the crowd. The Premier invited the PSA to write to him directly to include the concerns raised with him in person by members at the rally. He made a commitment to reply to the PSA before the end of the year.

You can see pictures of the rally HERE.

PSA General Secretary, Stewart Little, wrote to the Premier on behalf of members outlining the serious concerns of disability workers about substandard transfer conditions and the ongoing protection of their pay and conditions. You can view a copy of the letter HERE.

We encourage all members to print the letter and post in their notice board.

What else can you do?

Visit the new Public Disability Services website and email your MP about this important issue.

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