SAS Staff News

LMBR NSWIRC Update 23122013 (PDF)

Dear Members

As a result of the PSA implementing work bans on the Learning Management Business Reform, the Department lodged an Industrial Dispute in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (NSWIRC). A compulsory conference was held on 20 December.

At the hearing, the PSA raised members concerns around lack of training and support, work overload, pressure to perform, time frames associated with the rollout, and Departmental communications.

The Commission was empathetic with the concerns of PSA members and acknowledged that the matter must have deteriorated as the PSA is not known as a union who imposes work bans lightly or frivolously. However the Association was directed to lift these bans.

During the hearing, the Department announced it had released a plan which it believes will address the concerns raised. The Association was not consulted prior to the plans release.

The Department met with the PSA on 23 December to discuss the plan. Peter Johnson Executive Director People and Services, Mark Philip Director Industrial Relations and Michael McMahon General Manager Learning Management Business attended.

In relation to working over the school vacation, the Department has confirmed to the NSWIRC and the PSA that:

  • Working during your holiday is voluntary
  • SAS Staff cannot be directed to work
  • PSA members who chose to volunteer will be paid at the appropriate rate
  • Funding for working during this period will be provided by the Department and will not come out of school funds
  • SAS Staff should not be on a school site alone

The PSA has obtained assurances from the Department that there will be onsite support for the 229 focus schools during term 1, 2014.

The Schools Team will be available from Monday 6 January. Please don’t hesitate contacting us via email or phoning 9220 0900 if you have any questions or concerns.

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  • Standing up for your job: the PSA campaigns for a better-funded, strong public service
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