Free Will Service - Public Service Association

Free Will Service

Members of the PSA have access to a legal service provided by solicitors, McNally Jones Staff. This service extends beyond any work-related issues where you may require the services of a solicitor.

The first consultation is free.

Please note that as a member of the PSA you are entitled to a free standard will.

Services provided include workers’ compensation claims (*please contact MSC for a workers’ compensation referral); discrimination claims; superannuation disability claims; income protection claims; general insurance claims; deceased estates and claims; motor vehicle and general accidents; criminal law; driving offences; relationship disputes, including de facto and same sex relationship disputes; employment law; defamation; commercial law; etc.

McNally Jones Staff have lawyers who are accredited specialists in employment and industrial law, and personal injury law.

To make an appointment, call 9233 4744 and quote your PSA membership number.

View McNally’s website HERE

Note: Legal representation of PSA members for work related matters must be referred to PSA industrial staff in the first instance by contacting the Member Support Centre. If a lawyer is required, legal representation is then arranged and paid for by PSA through your Industrial Officer.


Member Benefits

Our valued member benefits support program.

Union Membership - Unity Strength Respect

As a union member, you are part of Australia’s biggest social movement. Your union’s strength lies in its size; the more voices we have, the greater our power to bargain for better pay, conditions and benefits. Join your union today.

  • Collective strength; being a union member gives you a stronger voice when dealing with your employer
  • Standing up for your job: the PSA campaigns for a better-funded, strong public service
  • Journey insurance; get protection to and from work
  • Member benefits: get great discounts on a wide range of products and services
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