Natural emergencies hitting NSW
Natural emergencies hitting NSW – March 2017 (PDF version)
The PSA (CPSU) is sending out a big thank you to the emergency services workers helping communities affected by the Cyclone Debbie. We would also like to thank the Southern Cross University members at Lismore who have shared their workplace as an evacuation centre for the coming days.
It is an important time to remind all members that your union has award clauses to support all workers unable to attend work in natural emergencies such as floods.
Clause 17 of the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Award allows public service employees prevented from attending work at a normal work location because of natural emergency to apply for varied working hours, alternate working location or to take Family and Carers leave, flex, rec or extended leave or LWOP to cover the period.
Southern Cross University also has in its enterprise agreement special leave for severe climatic conditions, which we understand is being utilised with the direction to most staff to not attend the campus today.
Remember please keep safe and avoid unnecessary travel.