Parliamentary tribute to Glen Turner
Dear Members,
On Monday I wrote to you regarding my serious concerns about the way the tragic death of Mr Turner, an OEH compliance officer was being reported by sections of the media.
I also expressed my dismay at the lack of leadership on this matter from the employer of OEH staff, that is, the NSW Government.
In Parliament on Tuesday, the Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Mr Rob Stokes paid a very moving tribute to Mr Turner.
The Minister was joined in his expression of grief by Ms Linda Burney, Member for Canterbury.
Both speeches can be found HERE.
On the same day, I was interviewed by the Daily Telegraph about Mr Turner’s death.
I explained how any public servant responsible for ensuring compliance with the Government’s legislation must be valued for the important work they do.
On Wednesday, after more facts became known, the Daily Telegraph printed another article which corrected some of the blatantly wrong information it had previously published surrounding Mr Turner’s death.
Vale Glen Turner, father, husband and proud public servant.
OEH colleagues of Glen Turner have set up a fund to assist his wife and young children.
When account details are confirmed, that information will be forwarded to members and also placed on the PSA website.
Anne Gardiner
General Secretary