PSA and NSWTF: Committed to Defending Quality Public Education - Public Service Association

PSA and NSWTF: Committed to Defending Quality Public Education


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On 27 February, your school was notified of its Staffing Entitlement for 2013.

This includes the allocation for administrative and support staff positions, general assistant positions, classroom, executive and specialist teaching positions. It is important that school community members understand that the Staffing Entitlement is the government guarantee that students in every public school will be provided with the number of staff to which they are entitled.

PSA Delegates and Workplace contacts are asked to: • Display the poster enclosed

• Meet with the principal to discuss your school’s Staffing Entitlement

• Liaise with your school’s Teachers Federation members to develop a joint union approach to protecting your current teaching and nonteaching positions

• Speak at a P&C meeting or similar event

• Raise this issue with your state Member of Parliament.

If the Department pressures your school to trade off positions, please contact your PSA Organiser immediately.


The national Gonski Week starts on Sunday 10 March.

The need for the changes to school funding recommended by Gonski is urgent, but our Premier, Mr O’Farrell is yet to sign up to paying the NSW share of the extra funding. The Federal Government is on board, however, a deal needs to be done by April this year so new funding arrangements can start in 2014. PSA Delegates and workplace contacts person are asked to work together with the Teachers Federation representative to organize an activity during Gonski Week that will:

• Raise member and parental awareness about the urgency of achieving the Gonski reforms

• Pressure the Premier to commit to funding the NSW share of the reforms

• Highlight the need for school funding reform in local media.

Public Education PSA and NSWTF





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