PSA Bargaining Team call for nominations
PSA Bargaining Team call for nominations August 2015 (PDF version)
The PSA is presently setting up a Bargaining Team to further encourage member involvement in bargaining for wages and conditions. This innovation follows recent initiatives to increase member say in negotiations around pay and conditions, such as the ‘live chat’ and the ballot around Award negotiations for the 2.5% pay increase.
What will the Bargaining Team Do?
The initial focus of the new Bargaining Team will be developing a list of claims to put to Government. This is an opportunity to identify what is important, industrially, for you and members in your workplace as well as learn about industrial bargaining. Support will be provided by PSA staff with experience in this area.
In spite of the Government’s cap on wages, the PSA believes there are still opportunities to improve pay and conditions, without trading off any existing entitlements, through innovation and member input – and we are keen to hear member’s suggestions.
Read more about what you will do as a member of the Bargaining Team HERE
Where will the team meet?
This new Team will be set up on a trial basis. All members of the Bargaining Team will be elected and most financial members of the PSA (those under state Awards) are eligible to nominate. Please note that initially, involvement will be on a voluntary basis (paid leave is unlikely to be available). To ensure fair and equitable participation, meetings will be conducted after work at PSA House or via teleconference. In regional areas, all meetings will initially be via teleconference. However, various methods may be trialled to accommodate the needs of team members. The team will meet regularly to inform PSA negotiation and decision making around pay and conditions.
When will the Bargaining Team meet?
The first meeting of the bargaining team will be in mid-October 2015.
This will be a great opportunity to work with PSA staff, learn more and have a say in what is a priority in bargaining.
How do I get onto the Bargaining Team?
Find your electorate HERE
Download a nomination form HERE