PSA Election report to SAS staff from Sue Walsh
PSA Election – report to SAS staff from Sue Walsh – October 2016 (PDF version)
The PSA election has been declared and Stewart Little has been elected General Secretary and takes up the position today.
I have had discussions with Stewart about the need for more support of SAS staff members, General Assistants and delegates and he has approved immediate action from today starting with a renewed focus on the Pay Equity case for SAS staff.
Stewart has also approved additional support including legal, if required, in the current dispute before the Industrial Relations Commission in relation to the provision of Health Care Procedures and the impact on School Learning Support Officers. A conference has been arranged for Monday at 11.30 am to discuss this matter.
Wendy Hurry and I will meet with PSA staff on Monday 7 November to brief them on issues that delegates have been involved in and to get reports from staff on their activities and member concerns raised at workplace visits.
A special Schools Departmental Committee has been called for Tuesday 8 November to discuss the two major issues mentioned above.
Stewart is also committed to delegate involvement at all levels of negotiation and drawing on their considerable expertise in schools. I look forward to working with the new leadership of the PSA and I am confident that SAS staff will benefit from a collaborative approach into the future.
Sue Walsh
Departmental Committee Chairperson
LMBR and Cashflow Budgeting
LMBR has advised (via the SALM/Finance Schools Support Bulletin Issue 38) of a one hour online Adobe Connect session on ‘Preparing Your Budget’ in preparation for face-to-face training in BPC (Budget Planning and Consolidation) i.e. cashflow budgeting.
Please be reminded that the responsibility of cashflow budgeting (budgeting and forecasting) rests with the Principal as detailed on the LMBR website and in the School Manual on Financial Management.
Refer HERE for further information.
The School Administrative Manager is not remunerated for this responsibility; hence we remind members of the work ban in place on cashflow budgeting.