PSA Update: Uplift, Sheriff’s Office Advisory Group (SOVBAG) & Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) - Public Service Association

PSA Update: Uplift, Sheriff’s Office Advisory Group (SOVBAG) & Joint Consultative Committee (JCC)

As we close off the first quarter of 2024, your union, the PSA, has the following updates to provide following our quarterly SOVBAG and JCC meetings.

SOVBAG Meeting and JCC:

On 13 February 2024, SOVBAG convened at PSA House, followed by a Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) session with NSWSHO management on 28 February 2024.

Sheriff Officer Uplift:

We have been advised that the Uplift has progressed from Treasury analysis and is now pending final approval from Treasury.

Unfortunately, management was unable to provide any further insight as to the timeline for implementation or further negotiations for this long-awaited pay rise. The PSA made it clear that this is a very disappointing development, and that members will be extremely dissatisfied with the level of detail provided. We have reached out the management to schedule a further meeting to discuss this, along with representatives from the DCJ Industrial Relations team. We anticipate this meeting to occur before the end of March.

We will outline our expectation that there must be a clear path moving forward as to when we can expect an offer, and how we will begin to engage with the Department in negotiations.  We have also made it clear to management that we want to work with the Department in good faith to progress this in a timely manner, and that a lack of clear timeframe is hindering this process.

We have also put management on notice that we will engage with members and that all actions (including industrial action) that have been previously discussed are still on the table.

Court Officer’s Uplift:

Management have advised that the Court Officer Uplift has been completed, with a backdated pay effective from the beginning of the year. All backpay has been processed to reflect this.

The issues raised around the role description have been addressed and amended by management.

This is a great win for Court Officers, and we encourage all Court Officers to continue to support your fellow Sheriff’s Officers with their efforts to finalise their uplift.

The three new 5/6 positions and new teams will be rolled out. As always, with change it will be expected that some issues may arise. Members are encouraged to keep an open mind a provide feedback to your delegates, or PSA Industrial Staff so that any issues can be promptly addressed.

Training and Recruitment:

The PSA will be advised of future classes. At this stage,

  • A class of 9 Court Officers has recently been completed.
  • It is anticipated that there will be a class of around 20 Sheriff’s Officers commencing in April.
  • The Academy is currently offering various training programs as per the last bulletin.

Work, Health, and Safety:

As highlighted at the end of last year, we have highlighted the need to work collaboratively with the Sheriff’s Office to establish a more effective framework for communicating serious incidents.

Recent incidents have only reinforced our view on this.

Unfortunately, we did not receive any detailed update on this at the JCC, but management have provided a commitment to get back to us soon.

Our ongoing efforts include requesting updates on WHS Incidents and Reports, which have been provided. We are seeking a more detailed breakdown of Incidents and Reports for future meetings.

Consultation and Communication Arrangements:

The draft terms of reference for the JCC have been finalised, and we are still waiting to formally sign the copies.

Body Worn Camera Trial:

The BWVC trial has commenced. BMVC’s are being trialled whilst conducting both Field or Security duties.

As the trial is in the early stages, the PSA is seeking a more comprehensive update at the next JCC.

There are officers participating in the trial from the following locations:

Bankstown Griffith Sutherland
Batemans Bay Lismore Sydney Metro
Campbelltown Mt Druitt Tamworth
SMET Muswellbrook Wagga Wagga
Coffs Harbour Newcastle OTU
Deniliquin Parramatta
Downing Centre Penrith Hub


Child Sexual Offences Evidence Programme (CSOEP)

The PSA has been advised that this programme is in the process of being rolled out state-wide.

Management is in the process of organising training for Court Officers. It is not anticipated to be a major change to the existing work of Court Officers.

Management is also in discussion with other stakeholders.

Bails Court:

The PSA has been in regular contact with management in relation to the Bails Court EOI for Parramatta.

The EOI released on 1 February 2024 caused some confusion amongst members. After raising these concerns, the EOI from 1 February 2024 was subsequently withdrawn.

The PSA also reiterated its request for the WHS concerns raised in relation to the withdrawal of Officers and were advised that CTSD is in the process of actioning those concerns.

Management have been placed on notice that if these concerns are not resolved in a timely manner, the PSA will be referring them to SafeWork NSW for investigation.

Flexible Working Conditions:

We have been receiving a higher influx of member queries regarding Flexible Working conditions.

We are also aware of the communication from Deputy Sheriff Gordon regarding a SMET proposed trial to change shift times and “floating cores”. A copy of the flexible work agreement should be provided to any staff who chose to participate in this trial.

All members are strongly encouraged to contact the PSA with any concerns about flexible working arrangements, so that we can provide clear and accurate information to you, and assistance where required.


Management have advised the PSA that the draft agreement has unfortunately not been finalised.

The PSA again, raised the issues around the SOC Agreement, status of CRO’s within the uplift process, and discrepancies in pay between relief pool and existing staff.

Management is evaluating the issues raised, and will reach out to the PSA for further discussion.

The PSA has expressed its intention to meet with members in the coming weeks.


Sheriff’s Officers: Management notified the PSA regarding issues around different styles of pants being worn around locations. A notice was sent to all Sheriff’s Officers in relation to this and providing an authorised list of suitable pants. Should you require support or wish to discuss, please contact us.

Court Officers: The PSA raised the request to start-up the Uniform Committee for Court Officers. Management have advised that this is on the way. Issues with current access to order shirts, issues with tie pins, etc. have been and raised and will be looked at by management.

Sheriff’s Office Anniversary:

Numerous events are planned in the lead-up to the anniversary. Check NSWSHO communications for details. Tickets are available for the Gala Dinner.

SOVBAG review and elections:

Following on from our last bulletin, SOVBAG formally endorsed a new draft charter. Shortly after this, the PSA Executive formally endorsed the process to commence a fresh election for SOVBAG.

All interested members are strongly encouraged to apply and more details on this will be released soon.

Yours in Union,

PSA Industrial Staff

Marko Petrovic

Ben James


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