PSA Work Bans Lifted – Housing NSW update
PSA Work Bans Lifted – Housing NSW update 5 September 2014 (PDF version)
Dispute lodged
As a result of the bans implemented by members at Housing NSW from 2 September, Housing NSW lodged a dispute in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.
This matter was before Commissioner Newall today, 5 September 2014, at 12 noon.
Direction to lift bans
The outcome of this was that the PSA has been directed to lift the bans forthwith and that this information be conveyed to the membership immediately.
Housing NSW directed to hold meetings
Housing NSW has been directed to schedule a meeting within the next 5 working days so that all concerns can be raised and addressed and further consultation to take place.
This meeting is to run for half a day and senior management from Housing NSW are directed to attend.
Next meeting of the PSA Housing NSW Departmental Committee
The next meeting of the PSA Housing Departmental Committee is scheduled for Thursday 11 September 2014, where delegates will consider the progress of the matter.
What can members do?
- Contact the PSA with any information youthink might assist us.
- Ask non-members to support co-workers byjoining the union at
- Become a workplace contact. Email your organising team at .
To get involved in the campaign to protect public services
contact your PSA delegates and JOIN us today!