Public Works transformation bulletin - 8 October 2015 - Public Service Association

Public Works transformation bulletin – 8 October 2015

Public Works transformation bulletin – 8 October 2015 (PDF version)

The PSA and the CFMEU met with Public Works management on 23 September to negotiate and finalise the Consultative Working Party Committee Terms of Reference. Professionals Australia did not attend the meeting. The Terms of Reference enables monthly meetings.

Delegates can attend these Working Party meetings as observers. This will ensure the input of the broader membership in raising matters of importance. Members’ questions/feedback can then be brought to subsequent meetings.

The PSA is committed to working with the other two relevant unions affected by the proposed sell-off, the CFMEU and Professionals Australia, to developing strategies to mitigate the effects of privatisation on our Public Works members.

We will also be engaging other stakeholders who could be negatively impacted, including conservation and heritage groups. We will work towards leveraging support from the broader community through media coverage, particularly on what impacts the Government’s privatisation program will have on our public heritage.

In an endeavour to engage members and provide stronger communication on these issues, the PSA will hold regular member meetings and provide updated bulletins. This will give members the tools to understand their rights and how to interpret the Department’s actions and decisions.

Summary of 23 September meeting with management

Management outlined the business unit options had been analysed and a submission is being prepared for Government. The submission is expected to be put before the Expenditure Review Committee in late October. Implementation of the ‘Transformation’ program is dependent on the decision of Government.

October meetings

The next Working Party Committee (WPC) meeting will be held in the final week of October. The PSA proposes to hold the first of our monthly member meetings on the day prior to the WPC meeting. The PSA will contact members with the dates of both meetings shortly, and arrange for the release of those who are interested.


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