The road to defeating privatisation
The PSA is holding an important rally on 13 November 2014, midday, at Parliament House, Macquarie Street Sydney.
The rally is to fight the privatisation of Ageing, Disability and Home Care services and the dangerous precedent it sets for the treatment of staff in areas that are to be privatised.
The email below went to members in ADHC recently and we urge you to join the campaign and attend the rally.
The road to defeating privatisation
The Public Service Association congratulates union members for securing more than 20,000 signatures on the petition against the privatisation of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) in NSW.
Click HERE to download the petition.
In September, your PSA Departmental Committee delegates resolved to hold a rally to present the petition to Parliament on:
Date: Thursday November 13
Time: 12.00pm
Location: Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney
Anti Privatisation Rally poster (PDF)
Help us keep track of turnout for this important event by letting us know if you can attend the rually.
Campaign so far…a year of action
This important rally will mark just over 12 months of campaigning to save Ageing, Disability and Home Care services from total privatisation in NSW.
Since October 2013, when the PSA and Newcastle Trades Hall Council ran a forum in the Hunter, the PSA’s campaign to protect real choice, quality jobs and services for the sector has been steadily building momentum.
In December 2013, there was the PSA’s Q&A style event in Newcastle that drew over 400 ADHC staff, clients, carers, families and other community members from around NSW.
You can watch video of this event HERE
Then in April 2014 there was the Dapto stop work which led to the Department’s back down on the immediate closure of the Dapto Respite centre.
In July, over 200 people rallied up a storm in Newcastle.
This was followed in August by action at Porter Street, North Wollongong which drew more than 150 people.
Stop works were then held throughout the rest of August and September in Mt Hutton, Fennell Bay, Adamstown and Albion Park.
To see photos of these actions click HERE.
Click HERE to see the Illawarra Mercury’s article by PSA General Secretary Anne Gardiner highlighting misinformation from the Minister.
In between times, PSA staff and members have been staffing market and street stalls weekly and organising local campaign action groups (LCAGs) of PSA members across the 15 FACS districts.
Click HERE for a list and contact details
So far, nine LCAGs have been established. For more information about LCAGs, please email
Let’s make midday, Thursday November 13 a rally to remember!
We need maximum attendance at the rally.
Members of the PSA’s Local Campaign Action Groups will be speaking to as many people as possible to organise maximum turnout of members.
Everyone can help make this rally a success by inviting the wider Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) community, including clients, parents, guardians and carers.
The rally will not be industrial action so you will need to attend using flex, recreation leave or by organising to be rostered off shift.
Keeping the pressure on decision makers between now and November 13
The PSA has developed a pledge to help members lobby MPs between now and November 13.
Click HERE for a copy of the pledge.
The pledge asks MPs to commit to the principles of the campaign, which includes safeguarding jobs and conditions and ensuring that Government retains a direct role in the delivery of ageing, home care and disability services.
On 24 September 2014, NSW Upper House MP, John Kaye became the first to sign this important pledge at the Central Coast Leader’s Listen forum.
Click HERE to see some great photos of PSA members at the forum.
What can you do?
- Organise a flex or recreation leave on 13 November to attend the rally
- Join the fight against privatisation in your local area by joining a Local Campaign Action Group. Email with your name, contact details and FACS District
- Talk to your colleagues about attending the rally on November 13 and joining the PSA
- Download the PSA’s Defending Home Care and Disability Services Kit HERE