SAS Staff Member bulletin - Public Service Association

SAS Staff Member bulletin

SAS Staff Member bulletin – December 2016 (PDF version)

The PSA continues to support SAS staff members and meets with the Department of Education on a regular basis. This bulletin provides an update of current issues as follows:

Dispute – Notice periods for reduction of hours and termination of SAS staff

The PSA and the Department are currently negotiating in relation to a dispute the PSA activated regarding the notice periods applicable to long-term temporary SLSOs when their hours are varied or when their employment is discontinued.

The Department has a clause in the Appointment/Variation form for long-term temporary non-teaching staff in schools and the appointment processes and conditions of employment for temporary and casual non-teaching staff in schools that states “as much notice as practicable” will be provided to employees where their contract is terminated or their hours reduced.

The PSA took the position that the practice of not giving reasonable notice was unfair on our members and the Department’s actions were harsh and did not allow members reasonable time to adjust to the new circumstances. Members were having their contracts terminated with as a little as a few hours’ notice.

Following the activation of the dispute, the PSA met with the Department and agreed to resolve the dispute by amending the documents to provide two weeks’ notice or payment in lieu. The PSA is also seeking this amendment apply to all classifications of SAS Staff. The PSA is awaiting the Department’s response and will keep members informed of further developments.


Members are aware the LMBR roll-out is now about halfway there, with deployment to commence in the remaining 1100 public schools in 2017. The PSA and the Department continue to have fortnightly meetings in relation to LMBR and dates have been set with the Department to continue these meetings in 2017.

The number of members sending PSA LMBR feedback has reduced significantly. The Department and the PSA encourage members working in LMBR schools to contact us if they are experiencing difficulties with the LMBR system or related issues. We want to help you. All feedback from members is dealt with quickly. It is important members provide their details so we can offer speedy resolution to identified problems. The PSA meets with the department fortnightly to enable LMBR to be implemented as smoothly as possible.

Performance Development

The PSA has received questions from members about performance development.

Since lifting the ban on performance development to allow the parties to continue discussions, the PSA has had two meetings with Department representatives. At these meetings information and documents have been exchanged and the PSA is now able to advise members further.

Following further consultation, performance development training will commence in Term 1, 2017 for those who will be performance development supervisors. E-learning modules will also be developed for professional development plan (PDP) supervisors and employees in general.

Who will be a PDP supervisor?

PSA representatives have insisted on amendments to the procedures for performance and development to ensure supervision of PDPs is reflective of the current statement of duties. Accordingly, PDPs will be supervised as follows:

  • School Learning Support Officer – Head Teacher, Teacher, Teacher/Head Teacher (Learning Support Team), Assistant Principal or Deputy Principal
  • School Administrative Officer – School Administrative Manager
  • School Administrative Manager – Principal, Deputy Principal or Assistant Principal
  • General Assistant – Principal, Deputy Principal or Assistant Principal
  • Aboriginal Education Officer – Principal, Deputy Principal or Assistant Principal.

Why do we have to do this?

Performance development is a statewide initiative being implemented throughout the public sector. The Department has provided information on their intranet regarding the purpose, process and implementation details of this project. The purpose as stated by the Department is to develop skilled staff, enable employees to feel valued and recognised for their contribution to achievement of school goals, and to ensure that conversations about performance and development are happening in schools.

How is the Department considering the impact on workload?

The Department has advised it will be as flexible as possible around LMBR and staff workloads in scheduling training. It is anticipated that the opportunity to develop PDPs will assist employees in particularly planning for future changes to the workplace environment that will affect all SAS staff.

The PSA understands performance development is a separate process to performance management. Members should not feel threatened by the process. The Department has provided assurances that performance development is a positive process for staff aimed to facilitate the identification of professional goals and training and development to subsequently achieve those goals.

The PSA and the Department will continue consultation in 2017. If you have any feedback to submit to the PSA, please email us on the dedicated schools email: .

Happy holidays to all SAS Staff members

The PSA would like to take this opportunity to wish all schools members a safe, enjoyable and much-earned break. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We look forward to a busy and very successful 2017.

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