SASS Reference Groups review survey
SAS Reference Groups review survey – April 2017 (PDF version)
For many years, the Central Reference Group (CRG) has existed as a forum for the PSA to consult regularly with the Leadership and High Performance Directorate (LHP) and its predecessors about the SASS Reference Groups (SRGs) operations and other related issues.
The PSA sought an extraordinary meeting of the CRG late last year to highlight member concerns about the role, co-ordination and funding of SRGs, and whether they are currently delivering training outcomes for SAS staff.
In 2017, there have been two meetings of the CRG with DoE representatives.
At the first meeting the PSA was advised the operations and structure of SRG are now to be reviewed.
The PSA welcomed this development in principle and wrote to the DoE to record its expectations regarding its input into the review and to seek further information. The A/Executive Director, Leadership and High Performance has confirmed consultation with the PSA will be ongoing throughout the review. The Terms of Reference for the review are now being formulated.
Member input sought
The PSA is seeking member input to the Review.
The first task is to collect member views and consolidate these into the PSA’s arguments about what aspects of the SRG should be the focus of the review.
Have your say about this important issue
A link is attached HERE for you to access an anonymous survey about your experience and expectations for the delivery of training.
Please complete this by Friday 5 May 2017.
Comments on this or any other issue can be made to .
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Please forward this to your colleagues so that they are informed about this important development, and encourage them to JOIN the PSA.