TfNSW PSA Members' Update - 27 May 2015 - Public Service Association

TfNSW PSA Members’ Update – 27 May 2015

TfNSW PSA Members’ Update – 27 May 2015 (PDF version)

Update on Award

As advised in February, your Transport Service of NSW and Conditions of Employment Award 2011 is due to be varied/renegotiated this year. Since the last update, the PSA and other unions have set up a scoping meeting with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to discuss the parameters for negotiations.

TfNSW indicates it wants to change some aspects of the award and pass on the standard public sector pay rise of 2.5%. You should have received their proposals by email.

Status of your payrise

PSA members at TfNSW have enquired about a pay rise this year and asked when they could expect it. Your combined conditions and salaries award means your pay rise for this year will have to be negotiated by your union and/or an application needs to be made to the Industrial Relations Commission.

PSA members should also be aware if negotiations for a new award continue beyond 30 June 2015 you will not receive a back-dated pay rise.

This is important, as some of what TfNSW is proposing may not be in line with members’ interests. We will need to factor this into how we progress the negotiations.

What has happened so far – PSA meetings with members and your feedback

The PSA has been visiting members and holding meetings at worksites to discuss your award conditions and your pay rise. We have some good feedback which will inform our position and any claims we can make on your behalf. We will continue to set up meetings in the lead-up to the negotiation/variation process to ensure we hear your views.

Your TfNSW Award Negotiation Team

Your union, the PSA, will be represented by an Industrial Official and PSA delegates from the membership at TfNSW. Delegates are a critical element to the negotiation process, as they understand how the award applies to the workplace and therefore we will seek to maximise the number of delegates we can have on the team.

What next

The PSA and other unions will attend a meeting with TfNSW to discuss the way forward and schedule any further meetings. A meeting has been scheduled for 3 June 2015. We will update you on both process and outcomes of this meeting.

Updating your details

TfNSW PSA members are asked to update their details. Some members have changed work locations while others have transferred from RMS to TfNSW. We want to ensure you are included in communications from the PSA and receive updates on the award-making process.

What can you do?

• Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
• Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.
• Ask a colleague to join the PSA.
• Get involved as your Area Contact.
• Nominate to be a TfNSW PSA Delegate
• Attend a meeting at your worksite.



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