Transport for NSW Departmental Committee
Transport for NSW Departmental Committee – August 2016 (PDF version)
On 19 and 20 of July, the Transport for NSW Departmental Committee (DC) met for PSA delegate training its second meeting. At this meeting the following delegates were elected to the position of:
Phil Mortimer
Bret Leech
Assistant Secretary and Women’s Contact
Lee-Anne Stanford
As part of the DC’s training, delegates spent time identifying the issues across TfNSW they want to focus on.
It was clearly identified by the DC we want to be much better prepared for the next round of Award negotiations in 2017.
To achieve this the DC’s immediate focus is on:
- Filling the current vacancies on the DC (3 metropolitan delegates and 1 Newcastle delegate),
- Regular PSA meetings across TfNSW.
The next DC meeting is scheduled for 19 October 2016.
2016 Award
The 2016 Award was a rollover of the 2015 Award which guaranteed members their 2.5 percent pay increase from 1 July.
PSA members voted in support of the one-year Award. However, towards the end of the negotiations TfNSW introduced claims that would have been detrimental to PSA members in the Transport Management Centre, especially around the keeping of 12-hour shift times.
We were ultimately successful in keeping this out of the negotiations, but, with the enormous funding being put into transport infrastructure it is clear that this will be a key area of reform for management. This is why it is so important for us to be organised and ready for next year’s negotiations.
The PSA also wants to see better protections in the Award for ongoing employment versus contracts and other like improvements.
Reform Process and Consultation
Now that the Award negotiations for 2016 have been finalised, Transport management have agreed to resume regular consultation meetings with the PSA, UnionsNSW and the combined unions over the current reform process which is affecting 14 business units across TfNSW.
PSA members have raised a number of concerns as to the reform process and most specifically around placement processes. We will provide further information to members following these meetings with management.
Being a member has benefits
The DC Delegates felt it was also a good opportunity to remind members of some of the benefits that your PSA membership gives you outside of the day-to-day advocacy your union undertakes.
Your PSA membership entitles you to some of the following benefits:
- Family Cover Insurance Plan – $30,000 on death
- Provident Fund – $3500 to nominated beneficiary on death
- Journey Insurance
- Free Will Service
- One off Legal Advice (For non-industrial matters)
For more details on these benefits go to the PSA website at
Proud to be union
Also don’t forget that until September if you get a colleague to join the PSA online we will reward you by giving you a $75 gift voucher, for more details go to
Update your details
Keeping in touch with your union has never been easier. To make sure that we have your most recent details just visit our website and click on ‘update and connect’.