Update to SAS Staff members – USI and AUSKey implementation
Update to SAS Staff members – USI and AUSKey implementation (PDF version)
PSA members advised the PSA that Unique Student Identifier Implementation (USI) and AUSKey workloads had been delegated to them in VET High Schools.
The PSA issued a direction to members to ban duties associated with this work and wrote to the Department threatening a dispute if this implementation wasn’t immediately suspended.
As a result the Department put the implementation on hold.
The PSA met with the Department on 28 April 2015.
At that meeting, the PSA put to the Department that all workloads associated with the USI and AUSKey should be undertaken by Careers Advisors.
Careers Advisors are best placed to undertake the USI/AUSKey work as they are directly involved with students undertaking VET courses at their school.
The Department was advised at the meeting that the work bans on SAS Staff performing duties associated with USI/AUSKey would remain in place.
Update to SAS Staff members re nationally consistent collection of data on school students with disability 2015
PSA members have alerted the PSA that duties associated with student disability data collection had been delegated to them in some schools.
SAS Staff members advise that this data collection was traditionally undertaken by teaching staff, usually in the Learning and Support Team.
The PSA has objected to this work being undertaken by SAS Staff.
The Department was informed that, yet again, this work has been delegated to SAS Staff without any consultation with the union.
The issue will be raised during the next Schools Departmental Committee (DC) meeting in May 2015.
Members will be updated on this issue after the DC.