Welcome to the union (new members from 3 July to 9 July 2017)
Letter to new members (PDF version)
Dear PSA member
Welcome to the Public Service Association of NSW (PSA).
Established in 1899, the PSA has a proud history and enviable reputation within the union movement covering a diverse range of employees under both State and Federal awards and agreements.
All PSA members are automatically enrolled in the CPSU-SPSF, ensuring access to the Fair Work Commission for members employed under the Federal jurisdiction.
Our website (www.psa.asn.au) contains information on what is happening industrially in the public sector, your workplace and the PSA.
As a PSA member you are automatically entitled to the benefits of our Provident Fund. To nominate a beneficiary, you must complete the PSA Provident Fund Nomination of Beneficiaries Form.
In addition, you will receive the PSA Journal, Red Tape, PSA News (email updates) and, where relevant, workplace bulletins.
Your membership has strengthened the union’s bargaining power and given you a voice in workplace along with tens of thousands of others.
Never forget the old adage, ‘united we bargain, divided we beg’ – it is more relevant now than ever.
Yours sincerely
Stewart Little
General Secretary