All women members of the Association are members of the Public Service Association Women’s Council.
Nominations are called for positions of delegate on the Women’s Council Committee.
Each nomination must be seconded by two other women members in the same electorate as the nominee. Nominees, nominators and seconders must be financial members of the Association as at 22 September 2017.
Closing date for nominations is 10am, Wednesday, 25 October 2017.
The Call for Nomination is for two delegates from each of the 10 electorates below:
Electorate 1
HIGHER EDUCATION (2 delegates)
Electorate 2
Aboriginal Land Council NSW
AGL Macquarie
Australian Health Practitioner Reg. Agency
Coal Services PL
Corrective Services – Geo Group
Delta Electricity
Employed Solicitors
Energy Australia NSW
Eraring Energy
Forestry Corporation
FSS Trustee Corporation
Mercer Administration Services (Australia) PL
Murrumbidgee Irrigation Ltd
NSW Lotteries
NSW Self Insurance Corporation
Pillar – Superannuation Administration Corp
Public Service Association
Universities Admissions Centre
Urban Growth
Water NSW
National Rail Safety Regulator
Electorate 3
Aboriginal Housing Office
Ageing, Disability & Home Care
Australian Unity
Benevolent Society
Community Services
Corporate Services, Business Services
Family & Community Services
Housing NSW
Multicultural NSW
NSW Advocate for Children and Young People
NSW Land and Housing Corporation
Office of Communities – Corporate Services
Office of the Children’s Guardian
Sydney Olympic Park Sports Centre
Youth NSW
Electorate 4
SCHOOL EDUCATION (2 delegates)
Aboriginal Affairs NSW
Board of Studies, Teaching & Educational Standards NSW
Early Childhood Education & Care
Education Dept of
Education Dept. of – General Assistants
Education Dept. of – Schools
Electorate 5
DFSI – Better Regulation
DFSI – Customer Services – LPI Titling & Registration Service
The Deputy Returning 0fficer
Public Service Association of NSW
Nominations may be submitted: by post:
GPO Box 3365 Sydney NSW 2001 by email:
by fax:
(02) 9262 1623 hand delivered to:
PSA Inquiry Counter
Level 5, 160 Clarence Street, Sydney
Nominations must be received at PSA Head Office no later than 10am, Wednesday, 25 October 2017.
If there is a ballot, candidates who wish to have a profile sent with the ballot material should provide a brief statement of 300 words or less stating how they will best represent members’ interests. Space is provided for this purpose on the nomination form.
Deputy Returning Officer
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PSA Scholarship
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Fitz Like A Glove
Shoes 2 U
Citizen Watches
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