Your payrise in 2015 now 2.5%
Your pay rise in 2015 – now 2.5% RMS bulletin July 2015 (PDF version)
In 2014, the new RMS Award, the ‘Roads and Maritime Services Consolidated Salaries Award 2014’ was made.
In the process of making the new award:
- Members were consulted and the PSA’s log of claims developed out of that consultation process.
- PSA RMS delegates were part of the negotiating committee together with PSA staff.
- PSA members were able to vote on the proposed award.
The end result was that:
- the new award was ‘made’ in the NSW IRC last year;
- the award runs for two years; and
- there was no loss of conditions in making the new award.
Your pay rises in the award
The award provided for pay increases over two years being:
- 2.5% in 2014; and
- 2.03% in 2015.
The PSA and other unions wrote to RMS proposing that the pay rise for 2015 be amended to 2.5% to reflect the Federal Government’s changes to our superannuation.
The Federal Government changes to the superannuation guarantee rate and the repeal of the mining tax means the super guarantee rate will be frozen at 9.5% until July 2021. For this reason, once the matter was listed in the IRC the PSA pushed for the changes to enable the full 2.5% pay rise for 2015 to flow through to our members.
Your pay rise in 2015 – now 2.5%
The pay rise for 2015 is now 2.5% and the relevant allowances contained in the award will be adjusted accordingly. The 2.5% pay rise will be paid in the first full pay period after 1 July 2015.
Thanks to you, our PSA members & delegates, for your ongoing support
Your union, the PSA is able to achieve pay rises on behalf of you, the membership, because of your ongoing involvement in your rights at work. We therefore encourage members to take a moment to celebrate the upcoming pay rise and reflect on the hard work that was done last year in making the award.
Lastly, we would like to thank the members and delegates on the steering committee for their involvement and tireless work in getting the award finalised.
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this Bulletin to your colleagues.
- Print this Bulletin and put it up on your notice board.
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA.
- Get involved as your Area Contact.
- Attend a meeting at your worksite.