- PSA News Bulletins

PSA News – 24 March 2017

PSA Annual Conference and Country Conference 2017 The PSA Annual Conference will be held on Thursday 25 and Friday 26 May 2017 at PSA House, Level 10, 160 Clarence Street, Sydney. Country Conference will be held on Wednesday 24 May also at PSA House commencing at 2.00pm. Nomination forms are available on the PSA website. Please ensure nomination forms are completed in full and email…

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Workers compensation rally

Friday 4 November 12.30pm – 1.30pm Martin Place, Sydney - near Macquarie Street While some elements of the savage workers compensation reforms by the NSW Government in 2012 have been wound back thanks, in part, to the PSA, plenty of harsh obstacles remain for injured workers and their families. Provisions for staff in Corrective Services, who have to contend with the most dangerous workplaces in…

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Email to all members - 31 October 2016

Dear members, On Friday 28 October, I commenced duties as the new General Secretary of the PSA. I would like to thank all those who supported me over the last few years and everyone who worked so tirelessly during the PSA election on behalf of myself and my leadership team. I extend my warm congratulations to new Assistant General Secretary, Troy Wright and new President,…

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PSA News - 4 August 2016

Worker safety is for all PSA tells Inquiry, not just Emergency Services The PSA has completed a submission on behalf of members to the NSW Legislative Assembly’s Committee on Law and Justice. The Inquiry, launched in May 2016, is investigating  Violence against Emergency Service personnel in NSW. The PSA has made it clear the issue is much wider. As PSA General Secretary, Anne Gardiner, said…

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PSA News – 20 July 2016

SPSF CPSU election result On 30 May, members were advised that there would be two union elections this year in which all members are entitled to vote. The first of these elections was the SPSF (NSW Branch) of the CPSU. The result of this ballot is as follows: Branch Secretary: Anne Gardiner Branch Assistant Secretaries: Steve Turner and Kirsten Cameron Branch President: Mary Court Branch…

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