TAFE Enterprise Bargaining update
TAFE Enterprise Bargaining update 30 July 2015 (PDF version)
Dear Members,
On 28 July 2015 we provided an initial response to TAFE’s lead negotiator regarding TAFE’s proposals to change various conditions of employment under a proposed new classification structure. (You can find TAFE’s proposal here). Attached to our letter was our tabulated response, which was shared with members by email yesterday, 29 July.
Over the last two days, 29 and 30 July, the parties have been engaged in further bargaining. During these latest negotiations, TAFE clarified a range of areas in their proposals, and brought to our attention a number of issues in relation to the way in which we had formulated our first response.
In the light of these latest negotiating exchanges, the PSA(CPSU) has now reworked our document using TAFE’s feedback and have an updated and corrected version available for examination.
The PSA(CPSU)’s evaluation of the proposed changes can be seen in the last column as well as in the notes at the end of the document.
We will keep you posted on further developments as these negotiations proceed.
PSA(CPSU) Bargaining Team